Sunday, January 8, 2012

Finally Making a Delivery!!!!

I'm so excited to be this {} close to taking a basketful of Caps to the Cancer Care Center this week!  If I had not run out of ribbon I would be completely ready!!!  It's been a couple of months since I've been able to say that and I have just felt terrible for the delay!  I let the holidays get the best of me with busyness and although this was probably the most wonderful holiday I've ever had because the bulk of my holiday experience was spent in worship of the Lord and celebrating His birth, I still felt guilty for not having the extra time to do what I feel he has called me to do which is to share His love and message with my fellow cancer patients.  Too often we let our busyness get in the way of God's business. In this new year, I have set many goals for myself.  The overall goal is to take control of my life and my time.  I want to set a routine for myself that includes all the aspects of my life, from family and housework, financial, church activities, Relay for Life activities, and of course Caps of Hope :).  In each section I am in the process of setting up a routine and a goal for what I want to accomplish in that area of my life this year.  I got the wonderful idea to set up a notebook from a sweet friend and I hope it will help me to stay organized.  And hopefully being more organized will leave me the opportunity to do God's work when he wants me to do it, not when my schedule allows me the time to do it!  "Yet not as I will, but as you will."  Matthew 26:39

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